
for New Solopreneurs & Freelance Writers

In 2013, I dove into solopreneurship with a shiny new university degree and zero business acumen (I’ve never held a salaried job!).

And in this time, I’ve been through it all…

Difficult clients. Non-payment. Finding predictable work. Marketing myself. Creating effective workflows. Moving away from what no longer works. Fighting impostor syndrome. Adapting with the times. Building a memorable personal brand.

The list goes on.

Here’s the truth:

Running a lucrative business isn’t easy. But if I can do it, so can you.

I’m here to help you crush your business goals in a fraction of the time it took me to get to where I am today. Get personalized guidance, accountability, and support so you can thrive as a creative one-person business owner.

As your mentor, I can go over...

Tools & Tech I Use

Find out what tools and tech I use to work efficiently and run my solo business.

Fundamental SEO

Learn basic search engine optimization tactics to get your content (and business) seen.

Best Resources for Content Creation

Discover the resources you need to maximize your writing, editing, and proofreading time.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Secure more jobs by making sure your LinkedIn profile is totally on-point.

General Marketing Pointers

I'll share advice based on my personal experience, freelance writing for almost a decade.

Mentorship Packages

Before booking, please email [email protected] to introduce yourself. Fill me in on where you’re at in your career, and what your goals are. Let’s make sure we’re a good fit before you make the investment and secure a time slot!


LinkedIn profile audit - Email

Get a detailed evaluation of your current LinkedIn profile and actionable tips for improvement. Delivered in a neat Google Doc within 7 business days.


1 mentorship call - 1 hour

Unlock your full potential as a new solopreneur with my 1:1 mentorship call, where we’ll work together to identify your strengths and areas for growth.


3 mentorship calls - 1 hour each

Need in-depth guidance on multiple areas of personal branding, solopreneurship, or freelance writing? Save $100 with this package of 3 calls.

A Case Study

actionable insights → real results


What Brilliant professionals are saying

"Wow! What an amazing opportunity. Starting out, I felt stuck and confused regarding how to get my writing business into motion. Through the email consultation, Sharon helped me navigate how to most effectively get my writing business going and how to start making money. She is an intelligent, patient teacher who answered my questions and gave me advice I could put into action right away. She’s filled with little-known tips that produce huge results! I highly recommend a consultation with her if you’re starting out or want to improve your business."
"Sharon has a wealth of answers to questions ranging from A-Z on how to handle social media, to sourcing clients, and helpful resources for honing in on your craft and managing your business. I've never spoken with ANYONE more knowledgeable or authentic in the process of becoming a solopreneur. She gave me a thousand times better advice than what I got from a 'guru,' who got nearly $1,000 from me. With more than 10 years of wide-ranging experiences in copywriting, content writing, public relations and social media, there's nothing Sharon can't handle—or teach as your coach. Working with her is a small, but highly valuable investment, with GREAT payoff."
"I appreciated the no non-sense, straight-to-the-point advice Sharon provided during our call. I walked away with actionable strategies I can implement right away to enter new markets and start generating leads for my business using LinkedIn."
"Receiving mentorship from Sharon let me know that I'm on the right track, and just needed some adjustments and sage advice. Of course, she had both in abundance. If I could go back to my first year and a half of freelancing, working with Sharon would have been a godsend. And her insights were incredibly valuable now, even as I feel good about my overall success and direction."
"Sharon shared incredibly helpful insights, and followed up with a detailed 10-page document summarizing key pointers from our call. The advice and knowledge I gained allowed me to quickly execute and take my offer to market the next day."
"I reached out to Sharon earlier this year for freelance writing advice and about running a service-based business. And she has an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience in solopreneurship. We went over how I could scale my business using multiple marketing strategies that varied from LinkedIn, social media, and partnerships I could leverage. I highly recommend her as a coach and mentor; she is so easy to talk to and discuss business goals with. I know that anytime I have a question, she is delighted to help!"


I craft tailored overview docs for each of my mentees based on their unique situations, so I need a few details from you before scheduling.

Please email me at [email protected] or DM me on LinkedIn to introduce yourself. Tell me where you are in your journey, what your short- and long-term goals are, and anything else you’d like me to know so I can prepare for our call accordingly.

Coming soon in 2024 — I’m working hard on digital products to help you run your business as effectively as possible. Think customizable templates like an onboarding doc!

If you have any resources you’d like me to consider creating, please let me know via email at [email protected].

Each mentorship call is 1 hour long.

Need more time? Book a package of 3 mentorship calls and save a total of $100. If you choose this option, we can plan out in advance what we’ll discuss on each call depending on your goals.

We can talk about anything you want! Everyone has different goals — some are totally new to the game and want to learn SEO basics, while others want to know how to market their offerings and get more clients.

This is why it’s important I get to know a little bit about you before we schedule the call… so I can plan to maximize the full hour we have together.

Once you pick a date and time, Calendly will send you a Google Meet link for us to meet.

Mentorship is more for new solopreneurs, whether they’re currently on LinkedIn or not.

LinkedIn is a whole other ballgame. If that’s what you want to focus on, I can create a 1-hour lesson plan and we’ll talk about it in our mentorship call.

Already have a LinkedIn profile you’re fairly confident about, but want me to look at it and give input? Buy a LinkedIn audit instead to get a detailed evaluation and actionable optimization tips delivered in a neat Google Doc.

The LinkedIn audit doesn’t get you 1:1 time with me though — so if you’re looking for that, then the mentorship would be the better option.

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